This Afro-Latino Hip-hop Duo Takes a Hard Look at the Sueño Americano

After living in the US for 12 years undocumented, Raka Dun was able to visit his homeland of Panama to shoot this video in December 2013 and complete the story he wanted to tell via his El Negrito Dun Dun project.
We pick up from where we left off in “Sueño Americano,” with Raka Dun’s character running away from the scene of the crime witnessed earlier juxtaposed with a younger boy running through the alley ways of the place he grew up; in this case, Nuevo Veranillo, Panama, where Raka Dun is from.
We see the beauty of some of the most neglected places of the world as El Negrito Dun Dun sings & raps about missing his mother all those years in the US.
In the video, we see Raka Dun’s character in jail awaiting execution we see in “Sueño,” with a nostalgia for the innocence and place he once called home, singing out to the woman who gave him life, who is so far away now. “Chica de mi corazón, Te dedico esta canción, Regresa pronto a mi corazón, Chica de mi corazón”
“Girl of my heart, I dedicate this song to you, Come back soon to my heart, Girl of my heart”
With the 2-part video series of “Sueño Americano” and “Chica de mi Corazon,” Los Rakas tell a singular and complex story within the world’s broken immigration system not only here in the US, but abroad. We see what can happen when people are forced from their homelands because of poverty and the dangerous world that awaits. Through all the hardship and struggle, these videos celebrate these stories and the mother’s around the world who risk it all for their families. This is just one immigrant romance and tragedy told, a soundtrack for the world we are currently living in.
Watch the video here:

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